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At our center, we are all committed to living our mission.  Please let us know if you have any ideas of how we may improve and please share any other questions or concerns you may have.

  • Why is it so cold in here?
    Because germs produce faster in warm humid air, therefore to help prevent infection the Surgery Center is kept at a cooler temperature to stop or slow down the rate of germ reproduction and spreading. Warm blankets are provided for your comfort upon request.
  • Why can’t I eat or drink before my procedure?
    If your stomach is empty, the risk of vomiting during surgery is greatly reduced. Vomiting during surgery can cause serious complications such as aspiration pneumonia or even death.
  • Why do I need to arrive so early?
    For your safety, there are many things we need to do to prepare for your surgery. Some of these things include completing your registration, go over your plan of care, taking your temperature, blood pressure, and heart rate. We may need to start an IV, shave and/or clean the area of your procedure, or begin your anesthesia plan. We also want to be sure we have time to answer any questions you or your family may have. Additionally, your Surgeon and Anesthesia Provider will visit with your prior to your surgery.
  • Will I have my surgery at the time I am scheduled?
    Your time is important to us and we will make every effort to meet your expected surgery time. We will keep you and your family informed of any delays. Your scheduled surgery time is an estimated time because some procedures may be shorter or longer than expected. This is why we cannot give an exact time. Please feel free to ask if you have any concerns or if you wait more than 30 minutes.
  • How long will I be in recovery?
    Everyone reacts differently to the medications, so recovery depends upon the individual. When you are awake and doing well, your nurse will go over your post-operative instructions with you and your family. For your safety, you must have someone with you for the first 24 hours. You may be at risk of falling and injuring yourself or have an adverse reaction or complication related to your procedure or medications you received. Your safety is our primary concern. Please follow your instructions carefully.
  • Why do I keep having to verify my name and date of birth?
    Patient safety checks are an important component of medical care. For your safety, every staff member who cares for you will verify your name and date of birth to ensure that we have the correct patient.
  • Why is the same information about my procedure repeated?
    For your safety and to help ensure a good outcome for you, we want to be sure you understand important information about your care here at the center and after you go home. We will ask you to tell us what procedure we are doing for you today and what you know and expect about your procedure and recovery. Please take your time to review consent forms and instruction forms carefully and do not hesitate to ask us any questions. We want you to be informed about and comfortable with your plan of care.


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© 2020 Long Lake Anesthesiology

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